Friday, November 30, 2012

Behind the Red Mask

"These are the hard facts: economic and military strength of the Moscow-directed one-third of the globe is rising steadily…The new Soviet leaders' domestic and foreign policies are far more subtle and shrewd than those of Stalin…Most important, the new Soviet policies have been astonishingly successful...It adds up to this: right now, we and our allies are losing the battle against world communism." 

Good Reading Rack Service, 1956

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What We Must Know About Communism

"The strangest, most puzzling force in all history has tnered our world. Starting in Russia in 1917, it has in just over 40 ears taken control of one-third of the world's people and one-fourth its territory. How has this amazing development happened? What is the nature of this new force which as seemed to come from nowhere and reach everywhere? For decades we Americans have looked away from the painful facts about Communism and satisfied ourselves with the half-truths and evasions that make life more pleasant. We have been drifting, emotionally and mentally, until we have reached a state that can only be called unreadiness. This unreadiness is true of almost all of us."

Alumni Publications, 1959

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Yankee Dollar in World Trade

"For as long as most of us can remember, the Yankee dollar has been the greatest weapon in the American arsenal in hot wars, cold wars and economic competition. Songs have been written about the Yankee dollar in every melodic beat…calypso, folk verse and jazz. We have been proud of and, and some of our foreign critics say, even arrogant about our nation's wealth and the strength of our currency around the world."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1959

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The New Battlefield

"Odd as it may seem, the threat of foreign competition for goods labeled MADE IN THE U.S.A. is coming from many of the same countries we have come to call "our best customers." It has posed a problem that must be met before many more sales are lost - because loss of jobs necessarily must follow loss of business. This growing threat of foreign competition to Americna jobs and American business leaves an increasing number of companies and their employees faced with three alternatives: let their foreign markets continue to deteriorate, shirt part of their production overseas, or reverse the rising trend of costs."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1960

Monday, November 26, 2012

The New Threat to Your Job Security

"Odd as it may seem, the new threat to your job security is not so much from our competitors here in the United States, but from companies overseas whose names you've never heard of before. This is an extremely serious problem that must be solved before many more sales are lost - because loss of more jobs has got to follow loss of more business. And our company is no exception to this rule."

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1960

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Your Stake in the Middle East

"Our basic national objective in international affairs remains peace - a world peace based on justice. Such a peace must include all areas, all peoples of the world, if it is to be enduring. There is no nation, great or small, with which we would refuse to negotiate, in mutual good faith, with patience and in the determination to secure a better understanding between us. Out of such understandings must, and eventually will, grow confidence and trust, indispensable ingredients to a program of peace and to plans for lifting from us all the burdens of expensive armaments."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1957

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Story of U.S. Foreign Policy

"The oldest of all American ideas in the field of foreign policy is the idea of non-entanglement. The American Revolution itself was an act of divorce from Europe. A strong case could have been made that the 13 colonies benefited from an association with Great Britain, but a strong case could be made that the Americans had a right to govern themselves, that they no longer needed the support of the mother country, and that they were "of right, free and independent states." This theory was reinforced by the circumstances of American life, by the great difference in the social texture of the United States from the social texture of Great Britain, by the American dream of society free from the feudal survivals of Europe and in which the career open to talents would be a practical reality. The United States started its life as a nation with a sense of its own differentness from the Old World across the seas."

Good Reading Rack Service, no date

Friday, November 23, 2012

Wages and World Markets

"There is tremendous new strength and growth in the European economy. More countries are enjoying greater national solvency than in decades. There is substantially higher employment everywhere. Living standards are climbing sharply, a great single mass market is developing and European industry is furiously mobilizing to meet it."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1959

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What Citizenship Actually Means

"Our nation is faced today with a dual menace - the communist conspiracy attacking from within and from abroad, and a criminal conspiracy made up of the lowest dregs of the lawless who are attacking our statutory and constitutional safeguards. Only be re-evaluating and assuming the full obligations of citizenship can we hope to achieve the maximum protection for our nation from these threats which crime and communism represent. Our forefathers fought to gain liberty; our struggle in this, the nuclear age, is to maintain and perpetuate it. The international conspiracy of atheistic communism threatens us with total extinction through the deadly destruction wrought by the devastating weapons of this era."

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1959

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Man Who Woke Up

"Anthony Winkle slowly came back to wakefulness through curtains of white mist that dissolved one by one, until he was fully conscious. For a few minutes he lay there, staring at the rough ceiling of his little cabin in the pine woods. A suspicion was growing in his mind. Finally he moved his right hand to his chin, and the suspicion became certain knowledge. Fascinated, he followed the beard with his hand. It ended a little short of his knees. "So it really happened," he said to himself. "I always wondered if it might run in the family." He shifted one leg, and grunted. His joints were stiff, as well they might be. But there was no hurry. He'd take his time." 

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1960

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Toward a Point of No Return

"The venerable Satchel Paige, renowned for his feats on the pitcher's mound for the last half century or so, is reported once to have favored his partisans with this bit of wisdom: "Don't never look back; something may be gaining on you." Whether he was referring to the subject of this booklet is not a matter of record. But if he was talking about inflation, Mr. Paige won't have to look back any longer - it's now ahead of him. And it's ahead of the rest of us too. The author of this booklet is concerned that we may be caught in a vicious inflationary spiral. He admits that the American Golden Goose is a mighty tough bird, but he warns here what we must do about inflation before we reach a point of no return. 
king stage."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1959

Monday, November 19, 2012

The 'Guest' Who Came To Dinner!

"Perhaps many of you remember a stage show," said industrialist John J. Ryan to a Pittsburgh audience one evening, "that opened on Broadway in 1939, became one of the big hits of the season and later was made into a movie. It was 'The Man Who Came to Dinner.' It concerned a guest who was supposed to stay only one meal, but wound up spending several months - and thoroughly disorganized the entire household's life in the process. ... "The guest's name is inflation. Now some people claim he's not been such a bad fellow to have around; in fact, that on occasion he's been the life of hte party. But it is a very narrow line between the life of the party and the fellow who takes on drink too many and begins breaking up the furniture. It seems to me that this particular guest is pretty close to the furniture-breaking stage."

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1959

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What You Can Do To Stop Inflation

"I remember," said grandpa, a bit grumpily, "when you could live well on 20 dollars a week. We paid 7 dollars for rent. Movies cost us 10 cents, milk 6 cents a quart, a good pair of shoes 4 dollars. And look at prices now." "Yes," father chimed in, "look what's happened just since 1939. When I bought a new car in 1939 I paid 750 dollars for it. This year I paid 2,700 dollars for the same make. "It's this inflation," said grandma. "Our dollar today isn't worth 50 cents." And everyone nodded his head in agreement."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1957

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Boom and Inflation Ahead...Says Kiplinger

"Within five years you'll see the start of the boom…our biggest boom ever. By 1962 or 1963 it will be evident. The economy will really begin to pick up steam by then. Why then? Population is one reason, one big reason. Millions more people wanting things...and producing things...and having the money with which to buy things."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1958

Friday, November 16, 2012

Capitalism...Our Children's Heritage

"The story of America is so outstanding, when viewed alongside the recorded history of mankind, it would almost seem to be a fairy tale which should begin "Once upon a time…" Significantly, it began as a new world - not only in the sense of a new territory but, even more important, a new world where oppressed mankind could come to freedom and opportunity. And come they did - from all corners of the earth. For the first time in history the spirit of man was unshackled and there developed a way of life and a standard of living hitherto unknown. Today we find our world engaged in a gigantic struggle for the minds and loyalties of men. We are told by some that our way of life is wrong and, through subtle propaganda, we are being brainwashed into rejection of the efforts of our forefathers."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1959

Thursday, November 15, 2012

We Can Keep On Growing

"When times are good, people take economic growth for granted, as natural and inevitable. But in times like the present - when the horizon is somewhat clouded - people begin to wonder just where our country is headed. Some, of course, have blind faith in the ability of the American system to prosper come hell or high water. Others become the prophets of doom. Yet the only practical thing to do is step back and take a good hard look at our economy: What progress have we made? What causes economic growth anyway? And what are our real prospects for the future?"

Good Reading Rack Service, 1958

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Myth of Federal Aid

"There's no such thing as federal aid." To make that statement flatly is to invite quick challenge, angered denial, or sheer, uncomprehending incredulity. In the face of so much evidence, such as highways, dams, public housing, and other physical things built with money from the federal government, how can anyone in his right mind make such a statement? "Of course, there is such a thing as federal aid," they say. Clearly, the national treasury has been tapped many times. Plainly, the federal government has "aided" states, regions, municipalities, individuals, corporations, and economic groups to the tune of billions."

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1959

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How Uncle Sam Spends Your Money

"Budget Hits New High"…"President Seeks Balanced Budget"…"Defense Costs Up Budget Total" - each January you see headlines like these in your newspapers. The stories, loaded with facts and figures, summarize the contents of the budget the President is proposing for the operation of the United States government in the year starting the following July 1. You try to read down through the news stories. But the figures are too huge - who can actually picture a billion dollars or even a million dollars, for that matter? And the language is too technical - expenditures, deficits, appropriations, carryovers. You soon lose the thread and move on to more interesting stuff." 

Good Reading Rack Service, 1959

Monday, November 12, 2012

How Uncle Sam Safeguards You

"You may not be aware of it, but you are one of the most carefully coddled, shielded, and protected human beings in the world today. Almost everything you eat or buy or use is pretested, insured, approved, or licensed by Uncle Sam. His protective arms are constantly safeguarding you from many things that would otherwise hurt you. These cover a very wide range and are the subject of his vigilance and continuous attention; yet they are probably things you just take for granted. Today, the government insures and protects you against fraud, forgery, harmful drugs, short weight, and hundreds of other things, including bad money, bad stocks and bad food."

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1960

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Truth About Our Economic System

"While we Americans often use the word capitalism to describe our system, it bears no resemblance to the monopoly-capitalism of the 18th and 19th centuries upon which Karl Marx, the founder of communism, based his theories. Contrary to his predictions, our economic system has in fact proven to be a spectaculary effective means for the creation and just distribution of wealth." 

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1960

Saturday, November 10, 2012

So You Think Politics Is the Bunk!

"I want to sell you something good. "If it's good," many say, "you don't have to sell it - it will sell itself." This is Public Fallacy Number One! Good things don't sell themselves. Would the Community Fund sell itself? If now one lifted his voice for your church for ten years, it would crumble. Memories are short; enthusiasms even shorter. Even the best of things must be resold the priceless heritage - "This Nation Under God?"

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1960

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tell Your Representative What You Want

"If you were to ask almost any person you met what he considers the two most important things in his life, most likely the first would be his health, and the next might be his happiness. But, on second thought, he perhaps would reflect that wealth would be second, for how can anyone be entirely happy and free from worry when one has outstanding financial problems?"

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1959

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our American Government

"There's an old story about how you can always tell whether a man is a native American. If he is, the story goes, he won't know the second verse of the Star-Spangled Banner. That may or may not be true, but it is shocking to note how many Americans aren't aware of some of the basic fundamentals about our country. Perhaps because of that fact, Representative Wright Patman of Texas has been answering questions about our government in his weekly newsletter to his constituents for nearly 25 years." 

Good Reading Rack Service, 1958

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Toughest Job In The World

"In mid-April of 1789, a worried George Washington left Mount Vernon for his inauguration in New York City as the first President. "My movements to the chair of government," he told a friend, "will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a culprit who is going to the place of execution." He had a good reason to feel this way."

Almuni Publications, 1960

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Profile Of Our Next President

"You will be hearing and seeing plenty about the men in this booklet during the coming months. Unless a "dark-horse" suddenly pops into the limelight, one of them will be the next President of the United States. As President he will make momentous decisions that will not only affect your whole life, but also the lives of your children and the lives of many other people on earth. What will our next President be like? How will he lead us? What can we expect?"

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1959

Monday, November 5, 2012

How To Watch The Election Campaign

"Despite all the political feuding and disagreements and charges and countercharges that will be made in the 1960 election campaigns, Democrats and Republicans everywhere can agree on some basic goals: American freedoms must be protected. Everyone must be assured fair treatment under the laws. The most effective use must be made of our tax dollars to provide necessary public services. Our relationship with the free nations of the West as well as the nations in the Soviet orbit must be approved."

A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1960

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4 Day of Decision

"Once again on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, the U.S. voter will go to the polls to vote in the 1958 "mid-term" or "off-year" election, so called because it falls midway between Presidential election years. But in the history books it will be known as the first Congressional election in the U.S. since the dawn of the space age, an election when Americans were called on to make decisions vital to their well-being and their survival."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1958

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Your Vote Counts

"Don't be surprised but - even a single vote counts. Elections are won every year by a mere handful of votes. For example, just check the voting record of the nation. You'll find…In 1936 New Hampshire's First District Congressman was elected by the margin of 17 votes - our of 104,000 cast. ...In 1942 Chester Cross won Pennsylvania's 22nd District by only 71 votes. ...In 1946 in Ohio, Congressman Homer Ramey defeated Michael DiSalle by 337 votes out of 118,000 cast - less than one vote per precinct."

The Mercer Howard Company, 1954

Friday, November 2, 2012

How To Get The Best For Your Ballot

"Most importantly and exciting date looms ahead on your calendar. On that well-known first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, you, and you, and you, Mr. and Mrs. America, will go to the polls in schoolhouses, barber shops and stores. By marking the ballots or pulling the levers of the voting machines you will tell the politicians and officeholders how you want this country ran."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1956

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Your Vote is Important

"No place in the world is as private as the American voting booth. There, more than anywhere else, the citizen is all alone with his conscience. And everyone who has voted has had the experience of a conscience gnawing. The hand goes to pull a lever or mark a square on a paper ballot, and conscience asks: Do you really know anything about this man? Is he qualified for the office he is seeking? For that matter, do you know anything about the party to which he belongs? Does his party, in general, stand for the same things you do? And if you can't answer those questions, what right do you have to the privilege of voting? You might as well be one of the sheep who flock to the polls in the dictatorships, dutifully vote 'yet,' and flock home to their suppers of thin soup and black bread."

Good Reading Rack Service, 1960