"On the afternoon of August 25, 1960, the President of Italy will rise from his seat in a large, open stadium in Rome and proclaim to all assembled, "I declare open the Olympic games of 1960 celebrating the 17th Olympiad of the modern era." With these words, the world's greatest amateur athletic event, seen by thousands, followed by millions, and rich in tradition and drama, will begin. Soon bronzed athletes from Ethiopia will compete for honors with fair-haired rivals from Sweden; tall, strong sportsmen from Brazil will match skill for skill with wiry, agile youths from Japan; and significantly, young American men and women will struggle for supremacy with their counterparts from the Soviet Union. Athletes will assemble from the far corners of the earth - Afghanistan, Argentina, Austrailia, Austria, Bahamas - and so on down the alphabet to Yugoslavia. All in all, quite a show!"
Good Reading Rack Service, 1960
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