"Suppose that riding home from work one day your car pool pal starts dreaming out loud just as you pass the old Wilson Flour Mill: "Golly, Joe, how'd you like to own a piece of that outfit? I've heard the Wilsons have taken money out of that mill every year for the last forty." You most likely would have come right back: "Have you flipped your lid, Pete? You know as well as I do you could never buy your way into an outfit that pays dividends year after year like that one." And then Pete would probably nod and say: "Yep, I guess you're right." With all respect to the Wilson family, you and Pete are so far wrong it isn't even funny. There are pieces of outfits as good as Wilson's - and better - being bought and sold every day of the week by people exactly like you and Pete."
Alumni Publications & Eugene Beitler, 1954
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