"Tom, Dick, and Harry were among a number of eager young fellows, who read the "job opportunities" advertisement which a certain large manufacturing company in the Midwest had run in the local newspaper. They applied for jobs with the company and each was interviewed and hired. Tom was assigned to the research department. Dick went to work on the production line. And Harry became a sales trainee. Tom was a firm believer in what Elbert Hubbard was fond of saying: "Folks who never do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for any more than they do." So Tom decided to put in "that something extra" from his very first day on the job. He did some of the little tasks no one else in the laboratory seemed to have the time to do. Things like washing up an storing beakers and flasks, wiping up the work tables, sweeping the floor at the end of the day, and other routine chores."
A Help-Your-Self Booklet, 1960
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